Grade Level
Teacher Info

Course Syllabus(For Reference Only)
Students begin the course by working through guided projects. This will introduce students to materials and topics that they can investigate, practice, and experiment with. This beginning portion helps guide students to the sustained investigation of their portfolio, where they will investigate materials and a topic of their choosing. In the portfolio students are expected to show their mastery in concept, composition, and execution of ideas. To help students understand my expectations, they are shown examples of past AP portfolios for ideas and inspiration. I start with structured assignments first, the first assignment being observational value drawings, and students then move on to individual preferences in media and topics such a mixed media, scratchboard, printmaking, as well as using assigned materials to explore topics of their choice.
Students are also given homework assignments due every week. These homework assignments will focus on the inquiry, investigation, communication, and reflection portions of their artwork. In addition, they will prepare for larger projects with sketches, materials exploration, and honing their ideas for their final piece. Class discussion of homework assignments, as well as class critiques, are held at least once a week. Critiques are a required part of class participation. Students are expected to discuss their own work, the work of their peers, and the work of master artists in written and verbal form. During these class critiques the vocabulary of art will be used to form decisions about the work being discussed. These verbal discussions will help students develop the language needed to explain their work in written form.
Once students understand the process of inquiry, investigation, practice, experimentation, revision, communication, and reflection through their guided projects, students will develop and choose an idea to explore in depth for their sustained investigation. In the sustained investigation section, students are expected to develop a body of work that is an investigation of a theme, idea, and inquiry. It should be well planned and investigate an idea that is of personal interest to the student. 15 works of art will be submitted to the AP board, this can include process images of their work.
From both the guided projects and sustained investigation assignments, we submit five selected works as examples of excellence to be sent to the College Board to be evaluated. Students understand that making art is an ongoing process that uses informed and critical decision making as these selections are made for their portfolio submission.
Materials Needed
Student are required to bring in the following supplies:
•1 Notebook for notes and sketches (preferably not lined)
•1 Large sketchbook
•A4 or Letter paper
•Pencils, colored pencils, pens, crayons, markers (must contain white, black, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple colors)
•Watercolor Paint (must contain white, black, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple colors)
•Various materials and resources TBD
•Access to a Camera for photographing artwork
Course Design
This course is designed to adhere to the requirements set by CollegeBoard and the 2020 AP Program. Students who engage in the course will acquire the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in a college level art course as well as the 2020 AP Exam.
The course includes the following three components:
A. Study of artists and trends. In addition to class work, students are expected to visit galleries and the local art museums on their own. An understanding of contemporary artwork and trends can help inspire and guide students in their own work.
B. A sketchbook to be composed of visual ideas, notes, photos, doodles, plans, short assignments, quick drawings, and practice of various techniques.
C. Development of the student’s submitted portfolio for AP 2-D Design, which has two parts: selected works and sustained investigation totaling at least 15 pieces (this can include process images).