Have a foundation in algebra, geometry, trigonometry, analytic geometry, elementary functions
Grade Level
Teacher Info
Course Syllabus
- Exploring One-Variable Data
- Exploring Two-Variable Data
- Collecting Data
- Probability, Random Variables, and Probability Distributions
- Sampling Distributions
- Inference for Categorical Data: Proportions
- Inference for Quantitative Data: Means
- Inference for Categorical Data: Chi-Square
- Inference for Quantitative Data: Slopes
2. use qualitative and quantitative skills and strategies to develop solutions to the problems
3. write reports and which address the question(s), which are supported with researched, referenced evidence;
4. point out, understand, and take notes on the main ideas and key details when listening to lectures and presentations;
5. participate actively in the discussions about the topic or subject skills developed in this subject.
6. Design data collection plans, analyze data appropriately, interpret and draw conclusion.
7. communicate effectively.